Labels:animal | boat | book | brass | earth | mountain | person | plaything | rock | shelf | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: The Hazis established the Hitler Youth organization in 926 tiernnan the beliefs of the Nazi Party Follawing the Party's ass sumption of power in1 Youth hecame Germany': incipal vooth orgeanization 1838 miade and those who did not jain were considered During War Jure to jain riminal ntended wean boys away fram their families and inspire sense of loyalty pue conformity to the icas and policies of the Nazi renimc They consumed most ofa boy's time and included drills. rallies. and Nazi Farty social gather ings, pue icarning practical often milltar elated, skills. The Hiler Youth was intended ta irans sform boys betw een the ages of 14 and 18 into. in Adolf Hitler's own words "a vinlently active. dominaling brutal youth' highly disciplined and fanatically loyal. By the beginning of the war mill ...